Many interviews are competency based (structured) or semi-structured. This means that as an interviewee, you need to present evidence of your experience, knowledge and skills in the areas outlined in the job specification. This is best achieved through the provision of examples from your experience that demonstrate the required evidence. On a practical level this is about the content of your examples and your ability to communicate the details in a structured and succinct way. The focus of your answers should clearly outline the actions you took to achieve a successful outcome. How well you perform at interview has a direct link to the examples you provide to demonstrate your knowledge and skills as related to those identified in the job specification.
When working with you I’m listening for examples that demonstrate your knowledge and ability, and positive attributes that you may have lost sight of, or possibly not recognise. Equally, many of us possess limiting beliefs about ourselves which unfortunately tend to sabotage our thoughts and ultimately our expression of our ability to confidently articulate examples of our skills, knowledge and competencies. It is important to address all of these issues. In order to support you I provide an Interview Preparation Template to document your examples as well as providing a degree of structure to your preparation. In addition, I research each post on offer from the perspective of the recruiter and relevant national/local policy and legislation that you, as a candidate need to consider in your responses.
Building Confidence
Interview preparation is also about building your confidence in interview technique. My experience has taught me that a candidate’s level of confidence regarding the examples they present, relevant to the requirements of the role on offer, serves to greatly enhance overall confidence. Having a practice interview that mimics the interview context and structure, for example in the case of a competency based interview, adds an additional layer of confidence. Following your practice interview I provide comprehensive feedback on your answers and all aspects of your interview preparation, including recommendations for further work, if required.
Interview Preparation Packages
I normally offer a 15/20 minute optional telephone consultation to determine what each client needs and if what I offer is aligned to those needs. It’s an opportunity also for you to consider the options and if you’d like to work with me. Please feel free to get in contact.
My aim is to bring your best self fully to your awareness and that you show that best version of yourself at interview.
Please feel free to give me a call should you wish to discuss further.